Equitas Health – The Uniters

Written by Jon Dorcely

Jon Dorcely is the director of marketing & engagement for United Way of Greater Toledo. If you would like to connect with him please email Jon.Dorcely@UnitedWayToledo.org.

January 25, 2022

“If we didn’t have Mpowerment, there would not be an outlet for LGBT youth”

To kick off the year, I visited United Way community partner Equitas Health!

During the time I spent with Matthew Rodnicki, I learned about the Mpowerment program and more specifically about how they work to empower LGBT youth in our community and provide them with safe spaces that typically can be difficult for them to find. Check out this video, to learn about our partnership and this great community organization!

The Uniters is a video series that highlights United Way’s community partners and their work in the community. All partners who are featured have applied for United Way funding during the most recent community grant process and were selected with the help of 28 community reviewers who utilized a data-driven decision-making model.

About Equitas Health:

Equitas’ Toledo office provides high-impact HIV-related prevention, supportive, and HIV/AIDS health navigation services that have been their legacy for more than 30 years. Their Toledo office provides services for people living with or at risk of HIV in the following counties: Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, Williams, Wood

Make sure to follow Equitas Health on Facebook & Instagram, to learn how to get involved in the Mpowerment program. View the current United Way of Greate Toledo investment sheet here.

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