Pursuing Inspiration

Join Women’s Initiative for our annual fall event: Pursuing Inspiration! This year’s theme is Shattering the Glass Ceiling. We’re empowering women with actionable tools and insights that enable them to break through invisible barriers. These barriers often prevent women from holding leadership roles and receiving the recognition they deserve for their outstanding work.

Our keynote speaker, Eleni Kelakos, a multifaceted talent—speaker, actor, singer/songwriter, and author—will deliver an impactful presentation to empower women at any stage of their careers. Discover practical steps, connect with like-minded individuals, and let’s shatter those glass ceilings together!

Attendees will also have the opportunity to arrive early and enjoy networking, lunch, and participate in our purse raffle.

Proceeds will support the Family & Child Abuse Prevention Center, an organization that helps women and children experiencing any form of abuse.

Early bird tickets on sale now through July 31!

Eleni Kelakos, The Speaker Whisperer

Pursuing Inspiration Speaker, Eleni Kelakos

Claim the Stage! Step into the Spotlight and Maximize Your Leadership Impact


Too often talented women stay stuck in the wings– unnoticed, unexpressed, and unfulfilled. They decline offers to speak at key events, stay silent in critical conversations, and avoid applying for positions of greater leadership and influence. As a result, they diminish their impact, and the world loses out on their unique talents and perspectives.

In this interactive, entertaining presentation, The Speaker Whisperer®, Eleni Kelakos CSP,  reveals the process that propelled her shift from waiting in the wings as a frustrated actress to taking center stage as a touring singer-songwriter, presentation skills expert, author, and motivational speaker. She’ll inspire leaders and emerging leaders alike to drop their coat of invisibility and boldly take the stage in their life and work, so they can share their valuable wisdom and big ideas with the people and audiences who need to hear them.

Audience members will:

·    Learn tools and techniques to avoid sliding into the three pitfalls (Politeness, Pleasing and Perfectionism)

·    Consider and examine the limiting beliefs that keep them from realizing their potential

·    Pinpoint the next stage of their leadership and career development and what they need to do to step up and shine

·    Rekindle and recommit to the passionate purpose that drives and defines them

Tickets on Sale Now!

Thank you, Sponsors!

Women's Initiative Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities available! If you or your company would be interested in supporting Women’s Initiative and receiving some special benefits, please view our sponsorship package. Questions? Email WomensInitiative@unitedwaytoledo.org.


Super Purse Raffle

During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the Super Purse Raffle! We will have six beautiful purses filled with gift cards, experiences, and more! More information about the purse raffle will be available soon.

We are actively seeking donations for gently used purses and items to put in them! For more information about donating, please email womensinitiative@unitedwaytoledo.org.

Click below to learn more about Women’s Initiative!