211 WEEK

Help Celebrate United Way 211

United Way 211 is a free, 24/7, information and referral service available to anyone with a health or human service need in Lucas, Ottawa or Wood County. Every year, United Way and 211’s across the nation celebrate this amazing community resource on February 11.

We invite you to join United Way of Greater Toledo, 211, and our community in help spread awareness and share the various ways 211 serves our community. 


Presenting Sponsor:

Community Sponsors

Eastman & Smith, LTD

The Andersons, Inc.

Hollywood Casino Toledo

Zepf Center

211 Week Virtual Scavenger Hunt

211 Day BREAKFAST & celebration

Join us for a morning of inspiration and community connection at the Toledo Museum of Art

211 Week Virtual Scavenger Hunt

211 Training & Fellowship in Ottawa County

Join us for a special 211 training to learn how 211 connects Ottawa County residents to important resources. 

211 Week Virtual Scavenger Hunt

211 Community training

Learn about 211 and how you can use it to help others find access to resources.

211 Week Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Can You Navigate the Database?

Test your knowledge and see how well you can find resources in the 211 Database! Score 211 points and receive a special prize!