Tocqueville Society

Since 1984, the Tocqueville Society has recognized those who give $10,000 or more annually to United Way of Greater Toledo. Together, members create transformational change in education, financial stability, health, and housing —four critical areas that shape the future of our community.

Why Join the Tocqueville Society?

As a Tocqueville Society member, you’ll experience unique benefits, including:

Gain Deeper Insights Into Our Community and Progress

Invitation to Exclusive Events and Unique Experiences

Join A Community of Like-Minded Philanthropists

Become A Mentor For An Emerging Leader

For more information about the Tocqueville Society, please email Scott Schultz at

Tocqueville Society Members

Michael Anderson

Jane Anspach

Richard Arnos

Brad Betz

Allan Block

Pat & Marylouise Bowe

Richard Brunner

Dan & Elaine Canning

William Carroll

Fred Dannhauser

Todd Deindoerfer

William Derodes

Vince Dipofi

Jeffery & Ruthann Finch

James Foote

Byron Foster

Lawrence Foster

Kevin Gilmore

Stuart Goldberg

John Graham

Ann Hartmann

Charlie Heid

Alastair Hoyt

Jeanne Hylant

Patrick Hylant

Richard Hylant

James Jaros

Adele Jasion

Dennis Johnson

James Kamsickas

Stephen Langendorfer

Jon Levine

Andres Lopez

Kenneth Lovejoy

Stephen Malia

Thomas Manahan

Timothy Martindale

John Miller

Thomas & Susan Palmer Palmer

Ann Sanford

Priscilla Schwier

The Terhune Trust

John Thomas

Hl Thompson

Thomas Toole

David Weaver

David Wise

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Learn how you can make a gift that will making a lasting impact on our community.

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